Does my baby need a bedtime routine?

We all get to sleep in different ways. Whether we realize it or not, most of us have a particular “way” of wrapping up the day, or habits we form that lead up to sleep. Personally? There’s nothing like finishing the day with a hot shower, glass of water, and reading a chapter or two in bed by candlelight. Then I love to turn on the fan and turn out the lights. 

Bedtime routines - the way we understand our journeys to sleep - are even more important to babies. In fact, the bedtime routine is the most important tool you have in communicating sleep to your little one.

Here are the perks of an infant bedtime routine:

We meet our little ones at the point in the day when they are the most vulnerable. 

Preparing for sleep is the most vulnerable part of the day for your baby. If they are not able to relax, it makes it really hard to pursue that long rest. The bedtime routine provides the transition between the day’s activities to bedtime, and allows your baby to start a familiar journey to sleep. 

It diminishes crying. 

A confused baby cries. A baby with a consistent bedtime routine feels less anxious going into sleepy time because they know what to expect. For more reasons your baby might be crying, check out this reel.  

It signals that it is time for their longest stretch of sleep. 

The activities we do in our child’s bedtime routine become cues for sleep. A bedtime routine is consistent. It doesn’t fluctuate here, there, and everywhere. When we have a reliable routine, baby finds safety in knowing what comes next. Consistency is our love language for them here. 

It provides connection with their safe person. 

This is connection time before their longest stretch without you. The bedtime routine helps baby bond with you during a key part of their day - the end of it! You can learn more about the why behind bedtime routines in this video: 

Other safe people can help you put your baby to sleep. 

Welcome back, date night! Write out the steps to baby’s bedtime routine and walk the safe person through it. Other people can do the same routine and help your baby to feel safer with that person because they are following those same, consistent steps. 

What does a great bedtime routine look like?

A great bedtime routine is 20-30 minutes long. 

1️⃣ For babies older than 4 months, begin the routine with baby completely alert, enjoying a full feed 

2️⃣ Give them a bath, massage, OR warm wipe down with a cloth 

3️⃣ Diaper change, pajama time, and teeth/gums brushed.

4️⃣ Read a story, sing a song, and lay baby down in bed

5️⃣ Turn on the sound machine and turn off the light

Now, of course, the bedtime routine won’t stay the same forever. It will transform as your little one develops into toddlerhood, and as bedtime eventually is extended. However, its importance does not fade with age. 

Now go and get on the phone to Grandma, give your babysitter a call, or follow up with your bestie on their promise to “totally take little Annie anytime!” 

Sleep sweetly,



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