Does my toddler need a bedtime routine?

Toddlers are the CUTEST forces of nature. And they love to push boundaries and use ALLLLL of their cuteness powers to post-pone bedtime. 

Your little one’s sleep needs change as they develop and age. While toddlers need much less sleep than they did as infants, ensuring they get that sleep consistently is important. 

A toddler typically needs one nap a day, stretching anywhere from 1-3 hours. A great bedtime for your toddler is between 7-8pm, making sure that they are able to get 10-12 hours of nighttime sleep.

And yes! They definitely benefit from a bedtime routine because they help your little one to understand the boundaries around sleep, they help your little one process the day, and they help your little one to feel secure going into their longest stretch of sleep.

Here are ways that you can set your toddler up for a smooth bedtime transition:

Before the routine:

🧸 Prioritize quality time. Connect away from screens: Over a book, calm play, or cuddles.

🧸 Process the day. "Did you have a thumbs up day?" or "I noticed that you are getting really good at using the breaks on your bike!"

🧸 Remind your toddler about bedtime expectations. "At bedtime, our family goes to the potty before changing into jammies."

🧸 Give potty-trained toddlers their last drink(s) of water an hour before bedtime, to avoid constant trips to the bathroom.

During the routine:

🧸 Use visual tools. An okay-to-wake clock or picture routine are a great help. Learn how to effectively use an okay-to-wake clock here

🧸 Give options throughout the routine. "Will you choose the Frozen pajamas or the rainbow pajamas?" or “Are we choosing blue toothpaste, or pink toothpaste tonight?”

🧸 Stay consistent. If you lay down a boundary, follow through! The structure of the bedtime routine is key. While it is important to offer your child choices during the routine, it is also important not to compromise and get them that extra glass of water, read two more stories than normal, or be talked into rubbing their back until they fall asleep.

What does a great bedtime routine look like?

1️⃣ Optional bathtime.

2️⃣ Diaper change / potty time.

3️⃣ Pajamas on / teeth brushed.

4️⃣ Read a story, sing a song, and lay your toddler in bed awake. 

5️⃣ Turn on the sound machine and turn off the light.

Are you struggling to get your toddler to sleep? Do you have concerns or questions about how sleep works for your toddler? Check out Coach Bonnie’s FREE, and practical  class on “How to Get Your Toddler to Sleep” here

Sleep sweetly,



The Benefits of Teaching Your Baby to Sleep Independently


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