Phil and Ted’s go™ stroller review

When I find a parent hack or product that is a game-changer in the mamahood, I have to share the love. 

One area around sleep that has always sent my cortisol levels upward is when my baby falls asleep right before arriving at our destination. Anyone else?

I can’t count the number of times one of my littles has stayed awake on a flight, only to fall asleep as we land (gah!!). 

Or driving back from a quick grocery shop. As I turn down our street I glance in the rearview mirror to see my baby’s eyes start to droop, and desperately pray: Stay awake, stay awake, stay aw- Darn it!

That attempted transition from arms / stroller / car seat to crib can be ruthless. More often than not, baby wakes, startled from just having started that journey to sleep. Then they either fuss and struggle to go back down … or wake happily from that accidental micro nap and are ready for another 20-40 minutes of awake time before hitting overtiredness and losing it.

This is why I was thrilled to try out Phil and Ted’ go™ stroller. It was time to make traveling around with a baby so much simpler. And did it ever make a difference!

Here is why I love Phil and Ted’s Traveller go™ stroller and would recommend investing in it for your baby:

It fully reclines. This makes nap time so much easier. If baby falls asleep in the stroller, there is no need to attempt to transition them into the crib and disrupt the nap. Simply recline and keep them in view.

Its compact size leaves ample space for other items, and its storage gives ample space for items. This stroller folds up like a dream and fits anywhere. Need to store it in the plane’s overhead compartment? Check. Want to fit it in your cramped trunk, or under the back seats of the car? Check. This stroller will fit into the smallest spaces, and it’s lightweight. This makes it easier on your body and ability to go places on a whim. And it is surprising just how much the storage basket can hold.

It is a one-hand wonder. As parents, it’s rare that our hands aren’t full. We’ve all been there with one child on the hip while holding a diaper bag and trying to push a stroller through a busy mall, airport, or street. I appreciate how easy it is to navigate this stroller, even on a gravel path or between airplane seats. Not only could I push it with one hand, but I could also unfold it with one hand (just make sure you make room for others in the vicinity, or you might accidentally take someone out lol). 

Other pros? Both my baby and my toddler found it comfortable; it is easy to clean and use; the stroller can adapt to fit two little ones; the fabric is durable and good quality, with a number of bright colour selections; the brakes are easy to put on and off and its cheaper than a number of other compact strollers.

Did I find any drawbacks to using Phil and Ted’s go™ stroller? There wasn’t much to complain about, but there were a few notes I made for future adaptions: 

You do need two hands to fold it back up, but it’s a much easier process than any other stroller I’ve wrestled into position. I would have loved more storage space, but this is a par for the course of choosing to use a travel stroller. The seat under baby's bum is a little shallow when fully sitting up, however, it keeps baby well-secured with straps, and isn't a problem when reclined.

All the love to humans everywhere who are making our lives more enjoyable by creating useful and beautiful products! The Phil and Ted’s go™ stroller is very easy to use and SUPER helpful for the quick trips or the family flights. Don’t just take my word for it, though - check it out for yourself at or find them on Instagram at @phil_and_teds.

Happy travels,



Micro Naps


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