Tips on How to Be a Great Host When Guests Are Visiting With a Baby

Anna McMillan from Little Winks Sleep shares helpful tips for hosting families in your home with little ones.

What can you do to make their extended stay with you more comfortable?
What can you ask for ahead of time to help overwhelmed parents?

Having things ready before their arrival will ensure that your little visitors can keep on schedule with great naps and restful nights. Helping the parents ahead of their arrival can take a lot of stress away, so that they can enjoy their time visiting with you.

  • Ask the parents what you can do to help prepare ahead of their arrival. What can you have at your house for them they won’t need to bring. (ie: pack & play, highchair, toys, blankets)

  • Plan activities around babies sleep schedules

  • Try not to offer unwelcome advice

  • Make your house as safe/baby proof as possible

  • Ask what you can do to support the parent during their visit

  • Give the family space - give them permission to take some downtime if needed


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